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Thoughts Are Dimensions

Keith J. Clark


What if every thought we have is in another dimension. And each time we think a thought we create multiple copies. Multiple universes. Infinite universes.

Every time we think the SAME thought we are creating many copies of that universe. And once there are enough copies in enough universes they begin to resonate off each other. They start to layer, one upon another. Like the reflections in a singer's microphone feeding back into the speaker. The most dominant thoughts win. The most repeatedly occurring thoughts begin to refine themselves into a wave. The beauty of the whole becomes glory in its singular form. It is not singular, but there are enough echoes of it for it to think to itself that it is singular.

Technical Note: White noise is a representation of all, of the whole. When viewed as a whole it is meaningless. However, if you use a filter to only listen to a narrow band of sound, you will hear a tone. Was the tone already there? Does it have more energy than it did before? No. It represents itself as a singular tone.

Just like microphone feedback - it is not singular in its first reiteration, or its second, or third....

A composite over time is what creates physical reality, more or less the atoms come together when their master calls. When the dominance of one particular thought, or feeling, or imagination of a large group of people resonates - some of it will appear in its purest composite form. And much of it will be distorted.

And these thoughts.....they begin to become physical to us now.



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I completely agree with you Keith. Shared or common thoughts may be creating realities that are more concrete than others. maybe this material world we live in is so strong because so much of us share the same thoughts about it. Your analogy of a single frequency in white noise representing an own reality or even universe is quite striking.

Rudolf Steiner once said that the time will come when people will realize they can literally produce atoms by thoughts.

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I believe in almost the same thing you described.  We manifest things in the universe with our thoughts.  And the law of attraction collects alike manifestations together out there in the magnificent universe.  Very intelligent thoughts you have! And remember just you thinking this makes it manifest out there somewhere anyway! The universe is infinite.... Our thoughts are so powerful.  Our souls are immortal.  So cool to think about!!! 

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Thoughts are dimensions, interesting. I always tend to think that most thoughts people think have already been thought before, as if some kind of human mindnet swirls about the ether and we as people sometimes access the same thoughts others think. At points, originality is gained when you yourself create or generate an original thought that no one else thought of yet. As like music invention.

Emotions sits somewhere in the middle, because depending upon how one feels at any given moment will effect the type of thoughts you get. Maybe at moments, helping thoughts are downloaded to you from higher spheres in which you have no knowledge of, but you yourself imagined you thought it. Positive or negative, depending upon ones state of evolution.

Thought forms are another aspect of the power of the human mind. The ability to keep focusing upon a visual until you can feel that visual in your physical space, mind energy being directed and moulded continually getting stronger each visual. Its an ideal ability when attempting astral travel too.

I found an interesting discussion regarding thought forces relayed to Leslie Flint (famous british medium from passed) from his spirit communicators. Leslie was a direct voice medium in which the spirit voices appeared and were recorded on tape recorder, and now they are being shared with the world via youtube, if i may i will post the video regarding what spirit tells us about thought forces. This discussion is brilliant when the spirit communicator (Micky) starts explaining about the Thought forces.


All best porTers

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It's true but I would chip in my own research. Thoughts are parallel timelines happening events. Let's say you take a bus but in alternate timelines you can have multiple possibilities. So the events happened in other timelines occur as thoughts.

Regarding physicality outside physicality doesn't even exist. What we perceive is just solidified time in 3rd dimension, solidified words in 2 dimensions and so on.


It's quite complex in the sense it has to explained beyond words in the sense one should transcend word as if we are using word then it's decreasing out speed and when using English it's just 26 letters but in more accurate sense just a . Dot .. so we limit ability to just a dot and we cannot explain physicality using dot but you can technically do it but one should be more evolved. 


Like if you see a dot then you should have the capability to forsee what words are going to come. In the sense dot cam transform to any word but you should connect with the totality to figure out what words will be written just by looking at a dot.


Example context. So you're inside a sports event so any dot will be in a context of the event not something and even digging further a dot coming in halftime of a football will have any thing related to football half so dot will have future of score individual score penalties and do on.

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On 7/10/2023 at 11:21 PM, Courtney1983 said:

I believe in almost the same thing you described.  We manifest things in the universe with our thoughts.  And the law of attraction collects alike manifestations together out there in the magnificent universe.  Very intelligent thoughts you have! And remember just you thinking this makes it manifest out there somewhere anyway! The universe is infinite.... Our thoughts are so powerful.  Our souls are immortal.  So cool to think about!!! 

We are forced to manifest like a geo engineering as thoughts slow down our thinking process. As thinking and thoughts are different entities. Like thinking is the process and thoughts are way to do it. Eg money.. money is stupid concept as except humans no one uses money to do anything and from my perspective humans are really lower in intellectual hierarchy of earth as every other entities are way more advanced. Humans are like parents archetype.

Only because a child cannot speak human language doesn't mean it's dumb. If human child are dumb as parents think then how come they are running their systems like lungs kidneys heart etc.

So humans thinks other entities are dumb as animals cannot speak human language but does human know animal language.

Why animals have faster reaction rate is because they don't use thoughts as they surpassed thoughts like a ultra instinct state.

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On 7/10/2023 at 11:21 PM, Courtney1983 said:

I believe in almost the same thing you described.  We manifest things in the universe with our thoughts.  And the law of attraction collects alike manifestations together out there in the magnificent universe.  Very intelligent thoughts you have! And remember just you thinking this makes it manifest out there somewhere anyway! The universe is infinite.... Our thoughts are so powerful.  Our souls are immortal.  So cool to think about!!! 

Universe is finite but infinite. In second dimension it's magnetic principle of attraction repulsion. So it's only 2 variables like a binary but it can have infinite combination. So it's infinite inthis sense but finite in possibilities.

Eg a computer it can have 0 1 but it's infinite but finite in possibilities as anything can reduced to binary 0 1 .. so if you want to conquer figure out the binary of that system like for this universe it's attraction repulsion. So if you understand the whole concept of attraction repulsion then you control the possibility itself and hence the whole universe. But in other universe it will be different.

For humans it's same attraction repulsion and in more precise sense to and fro motion while coming from womb. So all human thoughts will have a binary of this so if you control this you control total humans thinking capabilities like all humans thoughts can be reduced to binary of to and fro but again if you further drill down it will cell division and again drilling down it will sperm mating with egg which again most will not have access as this works on permission principle like a normal human janitor cannot access ceo email.

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