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Connecting with loved ones through EVP

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Greetings all:  My name is Linda and I live in South Lyon MI USA.  One year ago my son crossed over unexpectedly and, despite a complete faith that we go on (because of an experience I had as a young child}, the pain of losing the ability to touch and see my child in this physical world has still caused me great grief and sorrow.  My husband and I have read countless books on the afterlife since then and eventually I came across information about the ITC experience.  EVP particularly resonated with me and a little over three months ago I took the plunge, bought a digital recorder and have never looked back.  I have heard my son's actual voice more than once and the joy I feel cannot be described.  I am interested in having a conversation with like minded people who wish to share experiences and information on how to build the bridge between us and the next world more efficiently.  Looking forward to hearing from others!

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Hi Linda,

My son also crossed unexpectedly.  Like you,  shortly after his passing, I began exploring EVPs.   Over the last decade, making contact with my son through this amazing phenomenon really helped bring me peace.  I hope the communication brings you peace too.

I would enjoy hearing about your experiences, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have based on my experience.


Take care!


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Thank you for responding!  I've only been doing this for just over 3 months and am amazed at my responses so after doing this for a decade you must have much more to share than I do.  As I'm sure you know, we still miss their physical presence but knowing they are well and close by (and having proof!) means everything.  One of my very first responses was from my son; I asked that if he could speak to me he would speak loudly and clearly and on playback I heard him say (in his voice) "Can you hear me?".  Since then I have heard his physical voice a few times and possibly many more that weren't recognizable as him.  I use a digital recorder and have just gotten a SW radio for background noise but am hoping to gain more knowledge on how to improve from others in the same situation.  What about you?  Have you found ways to improve the experience over the last 10 years?

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I received a similar message from my son when I first started recording!  It’s always so exciting when you make contact.  My heart soared. 

My EVPs have continued to improve.  Sometimes I hear some messages in real time.  But, no matter how long someone has been recording, EVP clarity seems to ebb and flow from day to day. 

I tried to send you a direct message, but was booted off just as I sent the message, so I’m not sure if you’ll receive or not.  

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I didn't get the DM and am not sure how you would send one since I'm just starting out here.  Thinking about how both you and I got similar messages from our sons who were our reasons for initiating EVP (I'm assuming your son was why you started EVP), it makes me wonder if that was purposeful.  Meaning, were we given that blessing early so we would keep up with the experience?  I've had other lovely messages from him but except for one other, that first one was the clearest.  Lots and lots of other voices since then but none I recognize.  Your thoughts?

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I have occasionally heard my son use his earth voice when communicating, or a voice similar to his earth voice, but that’s not always the case. Typically their “voice” is influenced by the background source used to facilitate communication.   Fluctuations in background noise such as the frequency or static on the SW radio, can have an impact.  Therefore, it’s possible that an unfamiliar voice just might be your son speaking.  


That said,  when you record for your son, it’s not a private conversation, it’s more like a party line.  Other spirits can chime in and speak too.  Spirits you don’t know.  This is very normal.  


So, how do you know if you are speaking with your son or some other spirit?  Discernment,  lots and lots of discernment.  You know your son.  You know how he would respond.  His core personality has not changed.


My son identified himself through his personality and through certain words and phrases he uses, among other things. His “voice” has changed over the years depending on the background sound I have used, and through the years, I have experimented with many, many different methods

Edited by SilverLining
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