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AMAZING EVPs that No One Can Hear

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Even though I've been here for a long time, it seems I have not introduced myself yet. The subject of communication with post-material persons is close to my heart. In my humble way, I have been attempting technical communication since the late 1990s, just a few years after my mother passed away. After the year 2000, I found the ITC website and later stumbled across the Leslie Flint tapes. I found all of it deeply fascinating, reassuring, inspiring, and thought-provoking. Knowing beyond a doubt that post-material life does exist, with great determination, I set forth trying to communicate with the afterlife in any way I could, mainly through my experiments. 


My first breakthrough was not until November 2017, when I learned how to use computer software to filter out white noise. Then, I seemed to get all kinds of voices with all different types of white and electromagnetic sounds after that discovery and have not stopped since. Over the ensuing years, I experimented with red, green, and UV lasers, interferometers, solar panels, house plants, homemade electrolyte batteries, pond foggers, pools of water, cassette recorders, huge capacitors, amplifiers, various kinds of radios at a wide range of frequencies, and anything else my imagination could come up with that could be of interest. 


After conducting numerous experiments, I discovered that combining white noise from a high frequency electronic source with a low-frequency electromagnetic source such as a crystal radio and a long coil of wire wrapped around a 36” steel rod yielded the best results. Occasionally, I would receive very clear messages like "Hear me, Russell! . . . I am Joseph here, I salute you, I wish you well!" I uploaded this messages, among many others, in a collection titled "#22 - BLESS YOU MAN!" on the EVP page in the "AFTERLIFE" section of my Wholejoy.com website.


However, I encountered a significant unexpected problem. While I could hear the messages very clearly, no one else could. This was not only disappointing, but it also dashed any hope of obtaining scientific verification for the many amazing and inspiring messages I had been receiving and recording for over seven years. It was quite a shock! Has anyone else experienced this frustrating issue where only they can hear their own EVPs clearly, but everyone else can only hear static or completely different words or sounds? It’s incredibly frustrating in a lonely way! 

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Hello Russell, I too here clear sentences on the equipment I have built, but when I play them back to my son(who also has an interest in the subject), he will hear different words. It would seem the messages are only meant for the communicator and no one else. The voices we can normally agree on are the ones recorded at old sites and ruins and don't usually require much enhancing.

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Wow, I'll have to try setting up my equipment in a haunted location. Look up "Yanny or Laurel" on YouTube and that recording may demonstrate why some people hear different things. Some of the sentences you are hearing are probably occurring only on certain frequencies other people are not hearing. This may mean one thing: that the frequency range of most EVPs are quite narrow, usually in the upper end of the spectrum. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yanny+laurel

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