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  • Birthday 06/28/1983

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  1. I was using my iPad at the time, I will also add I used several different browsers too but none of them worked? I tried two phones also and they all had the same problem. I gave up using sound chopper in the end and haven’t tested it again either. Feel free to let me know if it works on your iPad
  2. Such an interesting method to try, thank you for sharing these really cool images. I think, as with all known methods that are already known (those with a genuine and serious interest) should attempt to modify and try different ways to see if already known experiments can be tweaked, to produce different methods. (I hope that makes sense lol). I myself have attempted the Schreiber method only a handful of times, I will say this though, twice whilst attempting visual ITC I can clearly see eyes, it’s not just one or two eyes here and there but several in fact? And I not only see them whilst I’m rewatching the playback frame by frame, I could clearly see them whilst attempting the actual recording. At first I thought I was seeing things lol (although I’m not sure how or why I would imagine eyes on the tv screen and then be able to see them on playback?). As, surely if I had imagined the eyes, they wouldn’t be there when I reviewed the video? Either way I shall be attempting the Schreiber method lots more (although it would be fruitless if those whom communicate don’t want to attempt it with me lol).
  3. It’s very much appreciated Karyn, I shall definitely be reading those books, even though I potentially have way to many on my to read list I’ve not heard of her? It seems all to familiar however in this industry/field. I too could list a whole host of people who willingly and knowingly spread fakery and nonsense. It seems in this current day and age that they are the ones to be believed by the masses, those poor unknowingly and blinded people who have no idea they are being duped. one such person (and I won’t disclose their name, but I’m certain most people would have heard of them), “makes” (and I use the term extremely loosely) a device called a portal, with varying designs given. Which sells for between $3000-$4000 (I’m not sure what the price would be in the uk where I am) but I assume it’s still a million times overpriced.) They then use this so-called “portal device”, to, as they say, “reach the dead”…unfortunate souls then buy this device in the hopes of communication (especially with loved ones), what they fail to realise however, is that this person dupes people, the device of theirs does not work. It is basically a decorated guitar amp, nothing more, nothing less. They feed all sorts of words, conversations into it to make it look like they are “receiving messages”…this person is not the only one who does this though. It makes me wonder what those whom communicate think? Same goes for those who do celebrity spirit box sessions…. I find them utterly beep beeping beepers. Thank you and blessings to you also, I have just purchased a digital camera (my first ever lol) although I do have two regular disposable cameras too, which I am hoping to use asap. Enjoy the séance, sounds super awesome, I’ve attempted them myself, as well as table tipping, which I definitely need to experiment more with lol.
  4. Thank you very much for the information, it’s very much appreciated. I did not know of those books so please do feel free to let me know. Thank you for the website recommendations too, I shall definitely look into them too, I think I’m the kind of person that has a huge thirst for knowledge. Always eager to learn as much as I can, in order to try and be more well informed. Admittedly, there are lots of varying opinions out there on various paranormal subject matters/ideas/experiments and ways to investigate etc etc. It’s kind of like a one size does not fit all (in a sense), as an example, I have been experimenting with EVPs now (only for a little while mind you), I have tried various ways that others have attempted and seemed to have gained results from. However, when I apply those same methods, it appears it doesn’t work for me lol. I always seem to capture them when I’m not concentrating/asking, which I find strange? The first very clear EVP happened when I was making a video on how to hack a certain radio, to then use as a potential spirit box. Upon review of my video, I clearly hear a young child say we did it? You can imagine my utter surprise and shear excitement when I heard it. I too have become tired of the plethora of Facebook groups, which are supposed to help, encourage, support, yet all they do is either ignore, belittle or are just plain rude. It’s the same on YouTube, if you’re not running around a dark abandoned building which is allegedly haunted by all manner of spirits/demons, then it appears you are not believed I’ll carry on regardless though, maybe one day I’ll actually have people who genuinely believe me lol and aren’t concerned as to where it is I am conducting experiments and sessions (time will tell). Thank you for the kind words, I am a simple soul lol, who’s just trying my best to prove that life continues after bodily death (in whatever form that may be). Once and it is only once I think, I was using my rem pod alongside my spirit box, I asked if anyone could make the rem pod go off, then through the radio I hear box, maybe, at the same time two orbs (and I could be wrong), flew past in an angled downward motion, in front of the radio and rem pod. I will keep sharing, thank you. For as long as I can investigate and experiment I shall continue to do so, regardless as to whether or not others believe me. I and those who communicate know the truth, others here too, that’s all that matters.
  5. I used to post quite a few videos of orbs (potential orbs) on my channel. A lot of times people would tell me they were simply dust/bugs. I’m no expert but am pretty much 100% certain that dust/bugs don’t just suddenly turn up when asked but hey ho. I’m also pretty certain that dust/bugs cannot fly/float around in a particular manner. I never claimed they were all orbs mind you, as sometimes even I was not certain, but I can say with absolute certainty that the majority of the ones I was lucky enough to capture and be shown (when asked), were indeed orbs. People will pooh pooh it away though and claim orbs aren’t real, yet show them a video of a “demon” and they’re all for it…
  6. As the title suggests, I believe I have captured some interesting results whilst attempting visual ITC (which, as far as I am aware, Klaus Schreiber was the first to do so. Please correct me if I am wrong however). Now, I am no expert, in fact, this is possibly only the third time I have attempted this method. (Although, I have been conducting all manner of experiments for many months now, again though, I am no expert). The camcorder I am using is a slightly older (but not that old) Panasonic one, which uses mini dv tapes. This is connected (via AV) to an older model Samsung TV. My first attempts at this where interesting, I even managed to capture the numbers three and six. On this attempt however, I adjusted the effects settings on the camcorder (I cannot remember which ones off the top of my head) but will post them here if anyone is interested. The effects this time around seem to have worked rather well, I will also add I did have a red bulb in the ceiling light. (Whether or not that helped I am not certain). I recorded on my camcorder for as long as the tape lasted (about just over an hour and a half), at the same time (for only a short while, I recorded the tv screen using my iPad. The images you will see are screen captures from the video from my iPad. I have reviewed this short footage from back to front and then from front to back frame by frame. Throughout the video (both the short one on my iPad and the footage captured by my camcorder) you can clearly see eyes, not just one or two here and there but a rather good many. Which I find fascinating, before I started recording I kindly asked out loud (to anyone who may have been listening, if they wouldn’t mind trying the experiment with me and if so could they try to show themselves to me on the tv screen. I also told them that they were welcome to show me anything else (if they could), be it numbers or letters, or anything else in between. They had no obligation to attempt this with me which I made clear, I simply told them I would be very grateful if they wanted to try. I will state that I always say this to them when I (and they) are attempting EVP sessions and sessions when I use my radios. After all, I cannot make them come through. Throughout this video recording I was speaking to them out loud, just being grateful and appreciative (as I always am), with this method though, it’s as (possibly) as new to them as it is to me. We are all learning together, I will be attempting this method again as soon as is possible and will be letting those whom may communicate with me know before hand. (I feel that to let them know in advance is the best way to go, that’s just my opinion however). Although, to me it makes sense, because if you or I or anyone else where to turn up somewhere without letting the person or people you wanted to see know in advance, they wouldn’t be there when you got there because they didn’t know. So to me, it’s the same when attempting communication, letting them know ahead of time gives them a heads up, that way they know to try and be there. Below will be several screen shots, I have only drawn outlines and arrows on the screen captures, with some text added also. No other editing nor modifying has been done.
  7. Apologies but not apologies for the post I am about to write. I am so very tired of blatant paranormal fakery. Tired of seeing people actively lie and promote lying. The so called paranormal field/paranormal community is rife with people looking to make a quick buck, seeing who can get the most gullible subscribers. Nobody and I mean nobody cares about genuine evidence. Heck, I could have a full blown conversation with the full bodied apparition of Elvis himself and nobody would give two hoots, but, if I were to post something along the lines of “A conversation with my demonic attachment”, everybody would be watching??? 
    In my opinion, the paranormal/supernatural has become a joke, if you’re not running scared from “the world’s most haunted location” etc etc (or some other nonsense along those lines), then nobody is interested. I mean, like what the actual heck? For 34 years I have believed in the paranormal, believed and known that life goes on, experienced things that cannot be explained, seen, heard and felt things that cannot be poo poo’d away. I am not some person whom has seen some nonsensical faked “paranormal show”, bought a bunch of the equipment they use and then started running around like I’m the reincarnation of a ghostbuster. In my opinion, in today’s so called “paranormal field” if you’re not contacting demons, the devil, evil entities, running screaming from a dark abandoned building, getting “possessed”, attacked, maimed, followed, “releasing” a “lost/trapped/confused” spirit, “investigating” the worlds most “haunted” place, and every other stupid nonsense that people manage to come up with, then nobody is interested. They don’t care if you have captured genuine EVPs, they don’t care if you have been lucky enough to have direct responses from questions asked, they don’t care if you genuine unexplained evidence from potential life forms that are not of this planet, they don’t care if you have had people telling you their names and they certainly don’t care if you have had devices go off (such as emf meter’s, rem pods and motion activated light up cat toys, that only go off when moved or touched.)

    I am and always will be 100% genuine, I do not need to lie nor fake evidence. I will always, always try my hardest to prove that the other side is real, possibly more real than you or I. If people don’t like me, that’s fine, if people think my content is boring, then so be it, if having genuine connections makes someone boring then I’m all for it, if people don’t believe me then have at it. Keep on keeping on with all the stupid nonsense, I’m not claiming to be the all knowing investigator/experimenter, I don’t have all the answers, but I will never, ever be fake. If it weren’t for those on the other side (wherever that may be), I would not be doing what I do, it has and always will be 90% them and 10% me. I am simply someone whom they wish to communicate and reach out to and to that end I will always be truly grateful. 

  8. Understandably this post is from a while ago but I would like to say, I have recently purchased a Panasonic camcorder specifically to attempt the Schreiber method. Admittedly I have only attempted this two or three times but I do feel I may have captured some faces. Also captured were the numbers 3 and 6, which I find interesting. I have posted a short video on my profile if anyone would like to have a look. I find this method fascinating and will be attempting it a lot more often, I will be trying different methods along with it, such as my hacked spirit box radio and simply playing radio static. Potentially other devices too which I am not certain of yet. I feel using these other devices may help, although I’m not sure as of yet. Mr Schreiber was an amazing person and I feel it’s a shame that most people in the paranormal community (especially on YouTube), have no idea as to whom he was and the remarkable things he accomplished.
  9. These are my first few attempts at visual ITC, I’m not claiming they are all spirit faces but they may very well be. I would greatly appreciate it if people would take a look, I know YouTubers who upload paranormal related content are ten a penny these days, however I’m really not like the others who simply upload for fame and notoriety. My content will never be faked as I truly do think it’s wrong to fool people.

  10. Thank you very much for the info, I don’t suppose you could tell me as to which channel these videos are on? I’ve seen a few but they are only very short unfortunately. Thank you for the book recommendation too, very much appreciated. I am hoping to be able to purchase a video camera soon as I’m not sure that my iPad is sufficient enough, as I have since found that the small white lights that I had captured aren’t what I initially thought they were. Not to worry though, it’s all trial and error after all. I shall persist in my endeavours.
  11. Thank you for letting me know, it’s very much appreciated and I’m very much looking forward to receiving the LINGER. There’s no rush however, in fact November would be perfect timing for me so not to worry.
  12. Hello to all. I’m just wondering if anyone else has watched the Scole Experiment on YouTube? There are four videos available it seems and I’m currently watching video two. I’m assuming someone here must have seen them and or heard of the experiment itself? If nobody has either heard of it nor seen it I highly suggest people watch them and read up on information about it. I am going to be reading about it myself and I’m also certain there are several books about the subject too. In one of the videos they attempt an experiment called the “Alice” Mirror Setup. I shall attach a photo here. I myself have just attempted the same experiment, if I’m honest I didn’t think I would capture anything but to my utter surprise I did indeed record several small white lights. I am very much blown away, admittedly my first attempt at this pales in comparison to what those in the Scole Experiment achieved, however I’m still very grateful for what I and they managed to accomplish. I will be trying this experiment again at a later date with them, this time raising the mirrors and my iPad higher up off the ground. I am also going to leave a link to the Scole Experiment video here, what these people and those on the other side accomplished is truly amazing.
  13. Personally, I would still like one. As, with any device that we try to use, there is never 100% communication 100% of the time. (Which could be due to various factors), I’ve always thought that those whom communicate will try to use any device you have provided for them, they aren’t of course always guaranteed nor obligated to be able to use them, it’s probably a bit of hit and miss. (I’m no expert mind, just my thoughts). As with the LINGER itself, I may not be able to purchase one until November (if that’s okay?). I do absolutely wish to acquire one however but will unfortunately have to wait until next month. Thank you for letting us know, it’s much appreciated.
  14. Thank you for explaining Andres, very much appreciated. I do actually have WavePad on my iPad (thankfully). I shall go and read both links that you have kindly supplied. I’m excited to see what will happen when I have the LINGER, hopefully I’ll get great results, it is all about experimentation though so I shall persist (as I do with all experiments that I attempt).
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